NSR22-PR pull cord emergency switch challenges its competitors in the industry with its quality and all its features. Pull cord emergency switch is used as an emergency switch in transfer conveyor belts and transportation systems.
With the KBT NSR-22, the system automatically closes the contact wherever it is and cuts the energy when there is an impact on the steel rope connected along the belt from both sides in any emergency situation. In this way, the conveyor belt system can be stopped quickly and safely. In addition, It also allows the conveyor system and process equipment to work separately based on its use. After an emergency stop, the NSR 22-PR can be restored with its analog reset handle. The enclosure structure is cast aluminum. It has 1NO + 1NC contact structure in the standard and can be made up to 3NO + 3NC contact structure upon request. It is manufactured with a body and body paint resistant to high temperatures and heavy conditions. Its easy and fast assembly feature provides ease of use for conveyor belt systems in harsh environments. All conveyor belt systems used in heavy industry are suitable for this use.
Why should you use a Pull Cord Emergency Switch?
Pull cord emergency switch is required at every point working with conveyor systems. The pull cord emergency switch is the most important circuit breaker that ensures safe stop in emergencies. This product should be used in all systems to ensure machine and human safety. It emphasizes safe operation with its long wire rope length, simple rope tension and rope connection accessories. These products, which are used in a sudden situation in the conveyor systems, are used to prevent the employee and the system from being damaged.

How can we use?
NSR22 pull cord emergency switch is used by connecting to steel rope connected parallel to conveyor belt. This product, which is suitable for use at every 50m left and right, has a simple mounting system. With an effect applied to the steel rope, the mechanism is activated. The system can work integrated with the plc system.
You can contact our company regarding the assembly use of the products or any technical issue.